You may be charged by Reshop for the reversal of your refund if we determine that you have not complied with your Reshop Refund Agreement. Some common reasons for this may include not shipping items on time or returns that are not made in compliance with a retailer’s return policy.
What do you mean by "reversal"?
Reshop provides you with a refund now, so you can get what you want faster, and Reshop gets paid by the retailer so you don’t have to wait. However, in certain circumstances Reshop’s refund to you may need to be reversed in whole or in part. For example, if you received a refund from Reshop for two items of equal value, but returned only one, the retailer will make an adjustment and Reshop will charge you a refund reversal for half of your refund. When you do not ship your items on time, you will be charged a refund reversal in the full amount of your refund (non-shipment charges will also apply). See Reshop Refund Agreement for details.
What do you mean by “adjustment”?
Adjustments are made by retailers as part of their returns process, and indicate that some or all of a return did not comply with the retailer’s return policy or other applicable requirements. For example, if you received a refund from Reshop for two items of equal value, but returned only one, the retailer will make an adjustment and Reshop will charge you a refund reversal for half of your refund. For any questions regarding your return with a retailer, including the reason for any adjustments, please contact the retailer.
If you are being charged for reversal of your refund, it may be because:
- you did not ship your items on time, or
- The retailer made an adjustment to your return and Reshop is processing a refund reversal for the adjustment amount