Are you using the same email address you used when initially placing your order with the retailer?
Ensure that you're using the same email address associated with your order. You'll need access to this inbox to receive the verification code required for the email verification process.
Also, make sure that your mailbox is not full and can accept new emails.
Is the verification code incorrect or expired?
Double-check that the code you entered is correct and hasn't expired. If it has, you may need to request a new one.
Didn't make a return yet?
Use Reshop to get a refund with one of our partners to gain access to the Reshop app. With Reshop, you get your money back quickly and can spend it wherever you want.
Still need help?
If you're still encountering issues, please use our contact form for further assistance.
We're here to make sure you can complete your email verification process smoothly. If you have any more questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.